Zinc replacement

how to change your zincs underwater

6/8/20212 min read

Replacing the zinc on your boat is crucial for preventing corrosion in the harsh saltwater environment of Puget Sound, Washington. Zinc is used as a sacrificial anode on boats to protect metal components from corrosion. Over time, the zinc will corrode instead of the metal components, preventing damage and extending the life of your boat.
In Puget Sound, the salt content of the water can increase during the summer months, increasing the risk of corrosion. Regularly checking and replacing the zinc anodes on your boat can help prevent corrosion and prolong the life of your boat.
Failing to replace the zinc anodes can lead to costly repairs or even the need to replace metal components. Additionally, corroded components can lead to safety hazards, such as a weakened hull or malfunctioning steering

The importance of zinc replacement

Replacing zinc anodes on a boat underwater while scuba diving can be a challenging and potentially dangerous task. It's important to have the proper training, equipment, and safety precautions in place before attempting to replace zinc anodes underwater. It's highly recommended to have a professional diver or marine technician perform this task.

If you do decide to replace zinc anodes on your own, here are the general steps to follow:

  1. Prepare the equipment: You will need a set of replacement zinc anodes, a wrench or socket to remove the old anodes, a lanyard or tether to secure the anodes, and a dive knife or scissors to cut away any excess material.

  2. Locate the anodes: The zinc anodes are typically located on the bottom of the boat, near the propeller or rudder. It's important to be familiar with the location of the anodes before diving.

  3. Secure the anodes: Once you've located the anodes, use the wrench or socket to remove the old anodes and replace them with the new ones. Use the lanyard or tether to secure the anodes in place and prevent them from floating away.

  4. Check for proper installation: Before leaving the area, check to ensure that the new anodes are properly installed and tightened. Double-check that the anodes are securely tethered to the boat.

  5. Surface and finish the task: Once you've finished installing the new anodes, surface slowly to avoid decompression sickness. Use your dive knife or scissors to cut away any excess material from the anodes and store the old anodes in a safe place for proper disposal later.

It's important to note that replacing zinc anodes underwater while scuba diving can be a complex task. It's always recommended to have a professional perform this task for safety and optimal results.